Ce Workshop international (#2), organisé par Anne-Sophie Noel (ENS de Lyon, HiSoMA) et Pascale Brillet-Dubois (Lyon 2, HiSoMA), est la suite donnée au premier workshop qui s’est tenu en septembre 2022.
8 nouvelles communications seront présentées par des chercheuses et chercheurs invité.es pour les contributions complémentaires qu’ils apporteront au volume qui résultera des deux workshops. Des versions révisées des communications présentées en 2022 et préalablement diffusées aux participant.es feront l’objet de tables rondes. La visée est de favoriser les échanges sur le long terme et la réflexion collaborative sur les objectifs de recherche partagés et les méthodologies déployées pour redéfinir les modalités sensibles et cognitives de l’activité des spectateurs, au théâtre et dans d’autres contextes où leurs pratiques spectatoriales étaient mobilisées, réfléchies, transformées.
This international workshop (#2), organised by Anne-Sophie Noel (ENS de Lyon, HiSoMA, coordinator of the InSpectA project) and Pascale Brillet-Dubois (Lyon 2, HiSoMA) is a follow-up to the first workshop held in September 2022.
8 new papers will be presented from scholars invited for the complementary contributions they can make to the prospective edited volume resulting from the two workshops. Revised versions of the papers formerly presented in 2022 will be pre-circulated and workshopped in roundtable discussions. The aim is to encourage long-term exchanges and collaborative reflection on shared research objectives and methodologies developed to redefine the sensitive and cognitive modalities of spectators’ activities, in the theatre and in other contexts where their spectatorial practices were mobilised, reflected upon and transformed.
Ce workshop se tiendra en mode hybride/ This workshop will be held in hybrid mode.
Lieu : Salle Caillemer, Palais de l’Université
15 quai Claude Bernard, Lyon 7e
Merci de contacter Anne-Sophie Noel (anne-sophie.noel@ens-lyon.fr) pour recevoir le lien de visioconférence quelques jours avant le workshop.
Please contact Anne-Sophie Noel (anne-sophie.noel@ens-lyon.fr ) to receive the videoconference link a few days before the workshop.
Programme à télécharger (en date du 9 novembre 2023): InSpectA_workshop_programme-final_09_11
[English below]
17 novembre
10h45 : Café d’accueil
11h00-11h15 : Introduction : Pascale Brillet-Dubois, Al Duncan, Anne-Sophie Noel
11h15-11h45 : Afroditi Angelopoulou (University of Southern California)
“Audience Engagement and the Oresteia‘s Embodied Ethics”
11h45-12h00 : discussion
12h00-12h30 : Caroline Plichon (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
“Ressentir la nuit dans le Rhésos”
12h30-12h45 : discussion
Buffet du midi
14h00-14h30 : Luuk Huitink (University of Amsterdam, en visioconférence)
“All too Vivid : Epistemic and Moral Objections to enargeia in Antiquity”
14h30-14h45 : discussion
14h45-15h15 : Maïwenn L’Haridon (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
“‘I went back over some old memories’ (Ion, 250). Character’s Movements and Spectators’ Kinetic Intelligence in Euripides’ Ion”
15h15-15h30 : discussion
15h45-18h00 : 1ère session de table ronde
Anna Novokhatko (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
“Open mouths and bitten hearts : experiencing spectatorship in Attic comedy”
Martin Revermann (University of Toronto)
“The Eleusis experience : shaping spectatorship through mystery cult”
Al Duncan (The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
“Degraded : Fabric as Medium of Emotional Engagement”
Anne-Sophie Noel (ENS de Lyon)
“Feeling chained : the apotympanismos, experiential simulation and collective audience-response in Prometheus Bound”
19h00 : Dîner
18 novembre
10h15 : Café d’accueil
10h30-11h15 : Conférence plénière : Martin Revermann (University of Toronto)
“Theorizing the Spectator”
11h15-11h30 : discussion
11h30-12h00 : Pia Campeggiani (Università di Bologna)
“Mixed affect in poetic experience, ancient and modern”
12h00-12h15 : discussion
Buffet du midi
13h30-14h00 : Jonah Radding (University of Chicago)
“How to insult your audience (and get away with it) : a masterclass by Aristophanes”
14h00-14h15 : discussion
14h15-14:45 : Naomi Weiss (Harvard University, en visioconférence)
“Viewing Viewers : Acrobats and Audiences in West Greek Vase Painting”
14h45-15h00 : discussion
15h15-16h45 : 2e session de table ronde
Vayos Liapis (Open University of Cyprus, en visioconférence)
“Cognition and the Ancient Greek Theatre : From Aristotle to Neuroscience”
Felix Budelmann (University of Groningen, en visioconférence) and Evert van Emde Boas (Aarhus University)
“Responding to τὸν σφόδρα πονηρόν : the difference fiction makes”
Dimos Spatharas (University of Crete, Rethymno, en visioconférence)
“Internal spectators, gazes, and emotions in forensic narratives”
16h45-17h00 : Conclusions et perspectives – Pascale Brillet-Dubois, Al Duncan, Anne-Sophie Noel
19h00 : Dîner de fin de workshop
Day 1: November 17th
10:45: Welcome refreshments
11:00-11:15: Welcome words: Pascale Brillet-Dubois (Lyon 2), Al Duncan (The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), Anne-Sophie Noel (ENS de Lyon)
11:15-11:45: Afroditi Angelopoulou (University of Southern California)
“Audience Engagement and the Oresteia‘s Embodied Ethics”
11:45-12:00: Q&A
12:00-12:30 Caroline Plichon (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
Provisional title: “Ressentir la nuit dans le Rhésos”
12:30-12:45: Q&A
14:00-14:30: Luuk Huitink (University of Amsterdam, remote participation)
“All too Vivid: Epistemic and Moral Objections to enargeia in Antiquity”
14:30-14:45: Q&A
14:45-15:15: Maïwenn L’Haridon (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
“‘I went back over some old memories’ (Ion, 250). Character’s Movements and Spectators’ Kinetic Intelligence in Euripides’ Ion”
15:15-15:30: Q&A
15:45-18:00: 1st session of roundtable discussion
15:45-17:15: Anna Novokhatko (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
“Open mouths and bitten hearts: experiencing spectatorship in Attic comedy”
Martin Revermann (University of Toronto)
“The Eleusis experience: shaping spectatorship through mystery cult”
Al Duncan (The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
“Degraded: Fabric as Medium of Emotional Engagement”
Anne-Sophie Noel (ENS de Lyon)
“Feeling chained: sensorimotor resonance, experiential simulation and collective audience-response in Prometheus Bound”
19:00: dinner
Day 2: November 18th
10:15: Welcome Refreshments
10:30-11:15: Keynote lecture: Martin Revermann (University of Toronto)
“Theorizing the Spectator”
11:15-11:30: Q&A
11:30-12:00 Pia Campeggiani (Università di Bologna)
“Mixed affect in poetic experience, ancient and modern”
12:00-12:15: Q&A
13:30-14:00: Jonah Radding (University of Chicago)
“How to insult your audience (and get away with it): a masterclass by Aristophanes”
14:00-14:15: Q&A
14:15-14:45: Naomi Weiss (Harvard University, remote participation)
“Viewing Viewers: Acrobats and Audiences in West Greek Vase Painting”
14:45-15:00: Q&A
15:15-16:45: 2nd session of roundtable discussion
Vayos Liapis (Open University of Cyprus, remote participation)
“Cognition and the Ancient Greek Theatre: From Aristotle to Neuroscience”
Felix Budelmann (University of Groningen, remote participation) and Evert van Emde Boas (Aarhus University)
“Responding to τὸν σφόδρα πονηρόν: the difference fiction makes”
Dimos Spatharas (University of Crete, Rethymno, remote participation)
“Internal spectators, gazes, and emotions in forensic narratives”
16:45-17:00: Conclusions and future directions – Pascale Brillet-Dubois, Al Duncan, Anne-Sophie Noel
19:00: End of workshop dinner
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne-Sophie Noel (27 septembre 2023). International Workshop #2 : 17-18 novembre 2023. InSpectA. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://inspecta.hypotheses.org/773